50yr old female with abdominal distention


September 1st ,2022

This is online E-blog, to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking her guardian's signed informed consent.

Here we discuss our individual patient problems through series of inputs from  available global online community of experts with an aim to solve the patients clinical problem with current best evidence based input.

This E-blog also reflects my patient's centred online learning portfolio.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "Patient Clinical Data Analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan.  

50yr old female patient came to the casuality  yesterday with chief complaints of  

Pain abdomen since 3days

Vomitings since 3days 

Abdominal distention since 2days  


Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3days ago  then she went to RMP for constipation and milk of magnesia was given  later after taking it she  developed pain in abdomen which is diffuse and is of squeezing type and passed loose stools for 20 to 30times

H/o vomitings since 3days 1episode per day, non bilious,non projectile and food as contents.

H/o abdominal distention since 2days  

No h/o fever, burning micturition.

Past history: 

Patient attempted suicide 15yrs back by drinking poison and patient got admitted in our hospital for 2months .

She was chronic alcoholic since 4years and since 3years patient eats mud everyday when she drinks alcohol from then she had got similar complaints in the past since 3years and visited hospital for multiple times and medication was used to pass stools.


Surgical h/o: Patient underwent tubectomy 25years ago.

Personal history: 

Diet: mixed 

Appetite: normal

Sleep: adequate 

Bowels: regular 

Micturition: Normal 

Addictions:Chronic alcoholic since 4years  

Family history: 

Not significant 

General examination: 

Patient is c/c/c 



Bp: 110/60mmhg

PR: 102bpm

RR:  21cpm

Pallor present

No icterus 

No cyanosis 

No clubbing 

No lymphadenopathy 

No edema 

Systemic examination: 

CVS: S1 S2 sounds heard 

RS: BAE+,clear 

P/A :Soft and non tender 


Chest x-ray at admission

 At admission

On 01/09/2022 morning

CECT Abdomen




Rapid HIV 1 and 2 -NR 
Rapid Anti HCV antibodies-NR
Bleeding time-2mins 30sec 
Clotting time-4mins 30sec
Blood group Rh typing-O positive
Serum lipase-34 IU/L 
Serum Amylase- 51 IU/L 




Intra OP findings


Paralytic ileus

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