52 year male loin pain and sob

 August 28, 2022

This is online E-blog, to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking her guardian's signed informed consent.

Here we discuss our individual patient problems through series of inputs from  available global online community of experts with an aim to solve the patients clinical problem with current best evidence based input.

This E-blog also reflects my patient's centred online learning portfolio.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "Patient Clinical Data Analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan.

Our 52yr old male patient came to the casuality with chief complaints of  

C/o  fever since 10days  

C/o Rt loin pain since 1week 

C/o  cough with sputum since 1week

C/o  sob since 3days 


Patient was apparently asymptomatic  10days ago  then he developed fever which is low grade ,not associated with chills &Rigors which is aggrevated  at night.3 days later he climbed a tree and had a fall from the tree following which he had injury to the low back .since then he has developed Rt loin pain for which he was taken to local hospital where radiological investigations were done & no abnormality was detected .pain was not decreasing since then  .After 3 days he developed abdominal discomfort  associated with SOB which is on & off & cough with sputum  which is white in colour for 1 week.

H/O vomitings -1 episode  3 days ago

No h/o  burning micturition 


Known case of HTN since 6 yrs for which he is on medication.

Not a known case of DM, Epilepsy,CAD.

Family history: 

Not significant 

General examination: 

Patient is c/c/c 


BP: 100/60mmhg

PR: 82bpm

RR: 26cpm

No  pallor 

No icterus 

No cyanosis 

No clubbing 

No lymphadenopathy 

No edema 

Systemic examination: 

CVS :S1 S2 sounds heard 

RS: BAE+,clear

P/A: Soft and non tender 




APTT test: 37sec 

Blood urea:29mg/dl 

RBS :105mg/dl 

Prothrombin time:18sec


Viral pyrexia

Plan of treatment:

1.IV fluids 1NS 1RL@100ml /hr

2.Inj. Monocef 1gmIV/BD

3.Tab doxy 100mg PO/BD

4.Inj optineruron 1amp in 100ml NS IV/OD

5.Tab dolo 650mg SOS (not to exceed 2gm/day)

6.Inj. Pan 40 mg IV/OD

7.Inj. zofer  4 mg IV/SOS

8.Monitor vitals and inform sos

Discharge summary:

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